While our society is being torn apart by negative
sexual orientation (which some would claim is a relative term), there is, however, a growing, God-inspired wave of youngsters rising up around the world; and it would be a thing of great joy to see that you are a part of them. These have chosen to view sex and their sexuality as God originally designed it: a gift to be enjoyed ONLY inside marriage. But the question is: how did they get here?They took some deliberate steps, and that’s what I would
like to share with you:
• They
made a decision to wait for sex. Every new direction in life
starts with a simple choice. For sex, you too would have to make a choice,
whether to wait or not, like they have done.
• They
chose friends who shared their values. Choose your friends; do
not let it be the other way round. Know the kind of company you keep. They will
determine how far you will go with God. If you are dating someone, make sure
they share your values.
• They
stayed single until they were ready for marriage. It
doesn't matter how far you think you have drifted away from the right path with
some girlfriend or boyfriend; you have to make a decision to drop them and remain
single till you do it right when you eventually get married.
• They
don’t fill their minds with sex. In the same way, you'd need
to avoid sexually-charged music, books, movies, places, and even people, for
they are capable of filling your mind with sex. Note this though: if you’ve
been abused or raped in the past, realise your virginity was not taken from
you. You’re still a virgin in God’s eyes, until you choose to give that away.
• They
stayed away from alcohol and drugs knowing that Jesus owns them now and that they won't want to crucify Him again by sinning against Him so. Do you know that people do
dumb things when they’re drunk or high? Do not wait to get a first-hand bitter
experience before you think of backing out. You may never have the opportunity
to back out.
• They
realised that it would be tough. Your hormones, movies,
music, and peer pressure will tempt you to throw away your values. The journey
would be tough, but would you persevere on the right path?
So, dear friend, if you make a mistake, learn from it. Ask
God for forgiveness and the power to stand strong, because He is able to
forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1st John 1:9).
This does not mean temptation doesn't come their way, or
that temptation won’t come your way when you choose this path. Rather, these
people are resolute and responsible. So, when you feel tempted to commit sexual
sin, pray and ask God for strength. Read James 5:16.
Finally, one last thing I'd recommend is that you have to
spend time with God, His Word, and His people. This is way too important if you
must grow your spiritual muscles and be able to withstand the temptation of
sexual sin. Find a church you can call home. These would build up your
spiritual immunity. Read also Ephesians 6:13.
If you have any questions or comments, please do well to
share with us in the space below. God bless you.
Timely message for the time. We do not get to hear much of these raw truth spoken to our teens and youths in our churches today.
ReplyDeleteMay God heal our generation, it's a pity that most of our teens and youths no longer reads