Sunday, August 28, 2022

Threesome and the Love-Triangle

The world talks about threesomes and/or the love-triangle, where you have

a man and two women, or a woman and two men, in a mutual relationship – or making out – a relationship they all agree to without fuss, without hassles. Threesome, as the world knows it, is dirty, despicable and disgusting in the sight of God. However, the threesome or the love-triangle God ever intended was that involving Himself, the man and his spouse.

Now, for threesome or the love-triangle, consider the isosceles triangle. It has two sides of its three sides equal. But then, consider the angles. I am no mathematician, but it is evident from looking at a picture of this triangle carefully that two of the angles – the ones at the base – are closer to each other than the one at the apex. (This speaks of the physical closeness of the man and the lady.) in this way, the lines pointing upwards and meeting at the apex are equal. Do you get the picture yet? Yes, God is at the apex, so at the helm of affairs, shining His single, concentrated beam on the man and his lady at the base, as they equally relate with Him.

God really blew me away, showing me this in 2008 while I was praying one day. Before this time, I haven’t heard anything like it. I felt like jumping up and dancing in excitement. It was exhilarating.

The man and his lady relate with each other and with/to God at the top/above, Who is their Source of Love, Passion, Life. Thus, the man and his lady are truly bonded together, connected to each other, as God would have it, as He had originally designed; and also together truly bonded to and with God as one in that union. They are in love with each other; then individually and collectively, they are in love with God, and God is in love with them individually and as a couple.

Look at that triangle again. In this vicious triangle, there is no break, no leakage anywhere. So connected are these in a divine threesome! How then can the devil seep in? Impossible! Unthinkable! This is a relationship that would last forever, a thousand years being way too short! Personally, I know I should not be caught in any other web!

You have the worldly love-triangle when one of the party is cheating on the other, or when both are cheating on each other, whether mutually or secretly. But this is not the way of a true Christian in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex. You have to think about what God thinks about such a thing. Then it is equally important that you and your partner should not trust in your strength or wisdom, but on the strength and wisdom of God at the apex. 

When you begin to sort things out by yourselves, and trust in your own wisdom in taking decisions without God, there comes a leakage in that love-triangle, and you become easy prey to the devil. Sadly, this was more or less what happened to Adam and Eve.

But the sad scenario does not have to be true of your relationship and future marriage. You must consider the consequences of leaving God out of your marital decisions. Marriage is a forever thing, so why do it wrongly? Why enter into it with levity, carelessly? Can you really afford that?

Consider the potential misery that will eventually follow every wrong decision you make. If prosperity in all its forms must be sustained in the relationship, then you both have to look up to God and His Word at all times in everything. If Genesis Chapter Two must be sustained, then the love-triangle must remain intact all the time. Consider the following Scriptures:

They charge like warriors; they scale walls like soldiers. Each one proceeds on his course; they do not alter their path.

They do not jostle one another; each of them marches straight ahead. They burst through the city defenses and do not break ranks

The earth quakes before them; the sky reverberates. The sun and the moon grow dark; the stars refuse to shine (Joel 2:7-8, 10, New English Translation, emphasis mine).

This speaks of and re-emphasises the power of unity and focus. As long as you and your partner do not break ranks, and are focused on each other and on God, you can overcome all. There is nothing Satan fears more than a united couple – especially one with God. Stay untied with Him. Stay in that threesome. Stay in that love-triangle. Stay on course. This way, Genesis Chapter Three cannot strike your relationship.

But what does it mean for Genesis Chapter Three to strike a relationship? When I come your way again, we shall explore this. In the mean time, you can leave your comments and questions. God bless you!


  1. Thank you so much sir for this.
    So God should be the centre of any/every relationship, if not there's tendency for the devil to enter.
    Both ends of the triangle are connected to the apex, so both party must be connected to God, and there's no room for a fourth party.

    So, what happens when there's indecision from one party of the relationship?
    Assuming the man is not committed to the relationship and is still looking for a person that fits his criteria.. so he's kind of in multiple relationships trying to make a decision, yet still trying to connect to God and with current partner?

  2. Thanks for your contribution. However, as to your question, I wish I have a clearer understanding of where you stand, whether ad the man or as the woman asking the question. Notwithstanding however, it is important to note that two cannot work together except they agree. Also you know the Scripture that says light has no fellowship with darkness. Now, you need to know what you want, more like outlining it before you venture into a relationship. As a child of God, whether male or female, what do you want in a partner? Is it in line with the will of God? If yes, then you should be on the lookout for such a person that fits that criteria, instead of dabbling into a relationship with any random person and discovering that you don't "flow" well with the person and then going in search of another while still holding on to the other. What for? Only non-believers would do this. Allow God to guide you through the process of decision making in your relationship, and let your decisions align to His will at all times. God bless 🙏

  3. So we need to be discerning , well noted.
    However, human beings are hypocritical, and you might think you've found the right person, not knowing that the person's outward appearance is completely different from their heart.
    I pray God will guide us.

    1. Well said! And amen! God bless your heart!


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