Saturday, August 20, 2022

God, Blended into Your Relationship (Part 2): My Story

Before I share my story with you, let me say this: Many jump into a relationship with the opposite sex without first

thinking what God thinks about it. This is why such relationships hardly survive, do not last for long.

We see from Scriptures that the man and his wife were one. This follows that every married man is one with his wife. This is how it should be with you when you are married.

Since the man and his wife are one, God is the Second Person – so to speak – in the equation. Third parties are therefore not welcomed, are eliminated, and should always stand eliminated if the man and his wife must thrive in Eden.

It is the same for you too if that relationship with your partner must enjoy the bliss that is Eden. Do not be quick therefore to tell that neighbour, or that sister, no matter how close to you or your family, your partner’s shortcomings or the issues that bother your relationship. Isn’t this the reason why God is in the equation, blended into the relationship, from the beginning?

Remember that as you are both in that relationship, you are working towards being in union with each other, being one body. So, while you are working at it, you cannot do it alone. Let God in on every matter as touching the relationship, the good, the bad, the ugly.

How much more true, then, the saying: “Two is company, three is a crowd”! You could also prayerfully try ironing out whatever problem you may have with him or her. Remember, the two of you will be one when you eventually get married, and God would make the Second entity. These two entities, together, make a powerful force the devil cannot withstand:

Two people are better than one, because they can reap more benefit from their labor.

For if they fall, one will help his companion up, but pity the person who falls down and has no one to help him up.

Furthermore, if two lie down together, they can keep each other warm, but how can one person keep warm by himself?

Although an assailant may overpower one person, two can withstand him. Moreover, a three-stranded cord is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, New English Translation, emphasis mine). 

Looking at the above Scripture, you can see that you have help when you fall, when you have misunderstandings, when you have whatever the issue may be: that help is Jesus. When your relationship is attacked in any way by the assailant, the devil, you know the Second Man in the relationship with you is there to see you through it. This is as long as you call upon Him.

Also, you, your partner and the Lord make up the three-stranded cord that cannot be easily broken. You, your partner and the Lord make up a formidable force that the devil cannot withstand. The minute you think you are independent on your own, and do not need the Lord, you can’t grow, and you can’t learn what God wants you to learn.

You and your partner are a great army when together, especially when you are in agreement in everything. Deuteronomy 32:30 tells us that “…one (shall) chase a thousand, and two (shall) put ten thousand to flight…” only when their Rock, the Lord, is with them. One on his own does not achieve much; but when he has a companion who agrees with him, then their accomplishments experience not just an addition, but a multiplication effect!

Challenges abound in relationships, and this was definitely not the original plan before Genesis Chapter Three. As long as you and your partner take the decision to live your lives in consistent fellowship with the Lord, your Rock, never forgetting Him in everything you do, then going back to Eden before Genesis Chapter Three is absolutely possible.

As Pastor Agi Emmanuel (a one-time State Pastor and Resident Pastor at the State Headquarters of Living Faith Church, Jos, Plateau State) puts it once, God will go before you and with you. He goes before you to guarantee direction for you; and He goes with you to guarantee your protection.

If this is so, there is no way Crafty Serpent can glide in to beguile you. Should you however forget your Fortress and Defence, you would be easily overwhelmed by challenges that rock relationships. On the other hand, if you remain true to God, your strength against evil is multiplied thousands of times over; that is, it would always be Genesis Chapter Two for you, world without end.

Before I approached my wife for a relationship, I had to spend time in the place of prayer to be sure of His leading. When I got the go-ahead, I had never been so sure of any other thing in my life like I was sure she was the one. And when I approached her for a relationship, she only smiled and asked that I give her some time to pray about it. Then about a week later, 4th of June, 2013, she gave me a positive answer.

We decided to ‘report’ ourselves to Pastor Obiora Onyebuchi, our then Associate Pastor in Living Faith Church, Jikwoyi, Abuja, who she was particularly close to. He was delighted to hear the news, and after having a brief talk with us, he immediately asked us to go to the church office to register for marriage counselling. Whaaaat?!!! Our hearts screamed. So quickly? I didn’t have a job then, and I was staying with my elder sister. How then could I…? But that was what we did.

By this time, we had the leading to go on a seventy days fasting and prayers. When we had the opportunity, we’d meet to pray and break the fast. Twice, in the midst of the seventy days, we had reasons – like the dire need for us to be gainfully employed – to go three days without food and water, praying fervently for God’s help. Then, on the last day of the seventy days, I got further instructions in my spirit to go another thirty days, while she went on yet another three days dry fast. So we continued.

Before these days were over, God was already speaking about our future together. I soon landed a job, and then another job I could be doing alongside my job, and soon I moved into my own apartment. The obstacles were clearing! We fixed the date for the wedding, and continued to pray towards it.

My wife also got a job working in my place of work. She came visiting once and liked the place, and prayed to be there. She had actually asked God to give her a job there, even if it meant the organisation laying off someone so as to accommodate her. And that was what happened! The person who was of the same discipline with my wife began to take her job with levity. Severally, our boss tried to call her to order, but the fellow refused to turn over a new leaf. I asked my wife to apply, and when they looked at her papers and saw it was what they wanted, they let the other go, and took my wife instead!

Speaking about God leading us, the Scripture He gave me was Matthew 22:2, and I had absolute peace because of it, as we prepared for the wedding:

The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son (King James Version).

If my Father was the King of Kings, and I am His son, and He is saying He would make a marriage for me, what then do I have to worry about? Suffice to say the wedding ceremony was grand, on the 7th of June, 2014, about a year after she said yes. What more, we have seen His hand clearly at work in our lives from Day One till date. It has been Eden for us all the way because we invited Him into our lives; He has been in the equation from the beginning!

I’m not saying there has not been any challenge since we got married, but His grace has been sufficient for us (2nd Corinthians 12:9). He has always been there, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1) for us. With Him in our lives, we have been able to surmount every challenge that had reared up its head.

The point here is that God is the power behind the great accomplishments of two who have agreed to have constant fellowship with Him. This is especially true if the two – that is you and your partner – are genuinely in love with God, as well as with each other. This is the love that exists when divinity and humanity merges. In other words, this love establishes companionship with God. This love makes the couple failure-proof.

I’d like to interpret Ecclesiastes 4:12 this way: God is the third of the three-fold cord in your family – or the first, as it were, being the Initiator of your relationship. Now, imagine what you and your partner can achieve together! If the above Scripture is so with two – and humans for that matter – just stop for a moment and imagine what would be the result if, not just a god, but God Himself, comes into the equation, being in support of what you are doing! It would simply be a ‘wow’ effect! With Him, and through His help, you can overcome all things that threaten your godly spiritual life together! Now, won’t you invite Him in?


  1. Thank you so much sir for this timely word. God bless you sir.
    Your personal story is encouraging. We should remember that God is a vital part of every relationship, and that will keep us in check and conscious of our activities in our relationships.

    1. You are very right, Mr Wisdom. The truth is, I honestly cannot picture any thriving relationship without God in the picture. If you have God, you have everything you need in life. If you don't have God, then then devil can have you whenever he wants, and I believe you know what that means. May God help us.

  2. Well, I'd like to ask;
    Okay, how long did you date/court because from the story, it doesn't seem like that happened, and then secondly, how did you know she was the one (did you hear God's voice saying,"This is she..."?)?

    1. We were in courtship from 4th June, 2013 to 7th June 2014 when we got married.

      And, as to the second part of your question, I was in a relationship with another lady, and for two years, I just wasn't myself because I knew that wasn't what I wanted. Then I met my wife. I knew in my spirit that this was it. I decided to go to God in prayers with fasting. You would be surprised to know that my prayer was simple: Lord what do I do? That first day of the fast, by 10am, I got my answer. It was strong in my spirit. I picked up my phone and called the other lady and ended the relationship, something I couldn't do in two years. She took it coolly because she too knew the relationship was estranged already. We were just there, hardly communicating even. So with it ended, my fast ended instantly. I approached my wife and she smiled and said let her pray about it. The rest is history!

      The only time I had to really pray about my wife was when we started the marathon prayer and fasting I mentioned. This is because of the strong conviction I had in my spirit. It was in the midst of the prayers that God gave me the Scripture in Matthew 22:2.

      Here we are today! It's been 8 years, and we are still counting. God is faithful!

  3. Wow,
    But the issue with some of us is that we sometimes relate feelings as convictions.
    How should we differentiate?

    1. If you didn't hear God outrightly, do these feelings then come with absolute peace in your spirit? If yes, follow it. Follow it if there is no doubt and there is no feeling of guilt.
      Follow it through and see where it leads. The feeling will become conviction in no time, especially if the lady is in tune with you all the way (being a child of God like you). You just can't miss it.


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