Tuesday, September 6, 2022

When "Genesis Chapter Three" Strikes Your Relationship (Part 1)

Let me begin by explaining this concept as the Spirit laid it in my heart. ‘Genesis Chapter Three’ here refers to

whatever problem, issue, challenge, storm – whatever negative thing, really – which rocks a hitherto blooming or thriving relationship. This could come in any form, culminating in a misunderstanding or disagreement, thereby leading to a breach and then a breakaway of the parties concerned.

‘Genesis Chapter Three’ in any relationship therefore comes with disappointment, pain, hurt, anguish of heart; therefore, hatred for each other, anger and the inability to forgive. Have you ever seen or heard about couples dragging themselves to the court of law? Yes, it is what leads to divorce in marriages as the man and the woman are unable to manage the situation.

Recently, I was watching a drama on TV, and there was this man who obviously has lost his love for his wife. She served him a plate of rice and chicken, and he had issues with the fact that she has only given him a piece of meat. As I watched him rave and rant at his wife, I couldn’t help but think that this man didn’t know what he had, as there are a whole bunch of people out there who have not had a bite; yet, here he was complaining because he had only one piece of meat in his plate! The lady went down on her knees to apologise to him, but he gave her a slap, saying she ought to have given him five pieces of meat! Certainly, whatever their problem was, they have not been able to manage it properly, or at all.

The above scenario can only happen when ‘Genesis Chapter Three’ strikes a relationship. Basically, ‘Genesis Chapter Three’ is inevitable in a relationship when the man and the woman have not introduced God into the equation. And they won’t let God in if they don’t know God (or know God as they should).

When God is not in the picture, then you bet the devil is. And when the devil is in your relationSHIP, then you bet the ship will definitely be wrecked. You know why? The devil knows when he sees a good thing; and because he doesn’t like good things, he will ruin everything. The devil is a killjoy. He rejoices in misfortunes of people, and tries to create same for them. Thus, because he knows that marriage is a reinforcement in which two people (would) come together to form (make) a formidable force – and especially when they are Christians, they could do his kingdom great damage – he would do all he can to destroy the new home.

When either party believe in playing solo, they would also believe that “Ours is ours, but mine is mine,” thereby tending to doom; for they are inviting ‘Genesis Chapter Three’ into the relationship, willy-nilly. 

But how did it all begin? Keep track with me, and find out more in my next post. More blessings!

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