Picking up the thread from where we left off last week, there are a number of things you can do to build a solid relationship with God. Let us look at them one after the other:
Every Scripture
has been written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by
its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right
direction and lead you deeper into the
path of godliness.
Then you will be
God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment
God gives you (2nd Timothy 3:16-17, The Passion
Translation, emphasis mine).
And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified (Acts 20:32, King James Version).
Now, you will agree with me that the contents of the
Word of God are deep and abstruse in nature. You don’t just take what has been
written on surface meaning or interpretation. Rather, you must spend time in
meditation so as to glean everything the Lord is saying to you at that material
time. Surely this would help build you up. It is the reason God told Joshua:
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success (Joshua 1:8, King James Version).
Through spending time in prayer. Now, while praying is so important and a good practice, observe that I said to spend time in prayer. This is something you grow into gradually, so do not think of jumping the loop, to avoid discouragement along the way. I grew from mumbling a few words within a minute or two in prayers to God every morning before getting out of bed; to praying for five minutes; to praying for thirty minutes; to praying for one hour; to praying for three hours… Twice, when I was in school, I had reason to lock myself up for three days in my room without going out, without food, or doing any other thing, just to pray and seek the face of God about a matter. This is why I said spending time in prayer. And I have my uncle, Pastor Amos Austine Adoghe, my mentor and spiritual father, to thank for helping me build this lifestyle; a lifestyle he doesn’t play with.
The Book of 1st Thessalonians 5:17 (King
James Version) admonishes us to “Pray without ceasing”. The Passion Translation
puts it this way: “Make your life a prayer”. Imagine that! But why is this so
Prayer builds up your spiritual immunity and sensitivity. It has to do with communication with God. This means it is more of a dialogue than a monologue. It is a two-way thing: you talk to Him and He talks back to you. Imagine having to have God speak to you! Spending time in prayer can make this happen. This, too, though, is something that could be developed with time, and may not happen all of a sudden: God could choose to not say anything to you when you pray – and this too could be subject to your openness to even hear Him. Well, I’m not here to preach prayer, but I believe what I have said is explicit enough to enable you understand the concept and what to do.
Through obedience to
the Voice of God. This is so key to
building a solid relationship with God. Obedience to the Voice of God is
something He cherishes in His children. If God speaks to you through whatever
means, whether in the place of prayer or while you are about your daily
business, what then do you do with what He says to you?
I believe God speaks to us every time, and
it is left to us to choose to obey. When you obey, you enjoy the benefit of
obedience; but when you fail to obey, there are consequences that are not
pretty. God would speak to Philip to go to the road that leads to Gaza (Acts
8:26), and then would speak to him to join himself to the chariot of the
Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:29). As meaningless as this may sound, if he hadn’t
obeyed, the Ethiopian eunuch may never have heard the gospel of Jesus preached.
This is just one example out of several throughout Scripture.
Once, many years ago, I was travelling to
Benin-City from Agbor. I was at the park at Uromi Junction to board a bus. I
heard the Spirit of God say to me, “Do not go with this bus. Alight and join
the next one.” I didn’t like the idea. I wanted to be in Benin-City as early as
possible, and this bus was almost full. If I should alight, it means I’d be the
first person on the second bus. I liked that, since I’ll have to sit in the
front with the driver. However, it also means that I’ll have to wait for the
first bus to be full and watch it take off, and wait for the second bus to be
full; and this could take another two or more hours as we wait for passengers
to come. I didn’t like that at all, but I had no choice. I didn’t know why God
gave the instruction, but I obeyed, and I thank God today that I did. When our
bus finally took off, we passed the first bus along the road, fallen on its
side, with the passengers all out, most of them wounded as far as we could see
as we sped by. We don’t know if any died in the crash. I wonder what would have
happened to me if I hadn’t obeyed the voice of God. This is how important
obedience to His Voice can be.
In the Book of Jeremiah, God summarises this
nicely for us:
also explicitly commanded them: "Obey me. If you do, I will be your God
and you will be my people. Live exactly the way I tell you and things will go
well with you." (Jeremiah 7:23, New English
When all of these are in place, you are a different person, seeing things with new eyes only the Lord can give. When you understand this truth, you enter the world as a giver, a distributor, of His love, rather than a taker of the love the world gives (What kind of love is there in the world to take anyway, really?) His Love, embraced by you, becomes extended to others. This is the kind of life you want to live in the world, I assure you! Then you would be ready. Now, imagine finding someone like that, a partner, who is also ready! Both of you together would be explosive! Ah! But we are still exploring this. See you next week!
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