Saturday, September 24, 2022

God's Original Design for Your Relationship

For every relationship, the original purpose designed by God was

that Genesis Chapter Two should be the end of the story. The last verse of Genesis 2 reads:

The man and his wife were both naked, but they were not ashamed (Genesis 2:25, New English Translation).

Another translation, Bible in Basic English, puts it this way:

And the man and his wife were without clothing, and they had no sense of shame.

And so, after all that have been said and done, the man and his wife were both naked, and didn’t give a hoot about it. The implication of this is that they were not partially naked, but completely destitute of clothing. Also, they had no need of clothes, because, cold or heat could do them no harm. The significance of this is worthy of note:

©      They had nothing to hide mentally, physically, spiritually or emotionally from each other.

©      There exists absolute transparency between them.

©      There exists pure intimacy between them.

©      Their nakedness speaks of innocence.

©      Their nakedness speaks of total ignorance to all forms of evil.

©      Their nakedness speaks of the joy of complete gratification of their being one in the union of holy matrimony and their service to God.

©      Their souls were arrayed in purity.

©      Their bodies were made holy by the Spirit of God.

©      Though naked, they really weren’t; for their bodies were the clothing for their spirits.

This is the original design, how the man and his wife were to live forever in the face of God. They have no need to be violent to each other. Neither do they have need to cheat on each other. Rather, they were to continue in their union without divorce or the thought of it; without any evil thing; being fruitful in everything, world without end. It is a a life of oneness, unity and togetherness, without any break in the hedge, without anything negative in-between. This is Eden. Eden is a taste of Heaven. Eden is a slice of Heaven. Eden is Heaven on earth. Eden is a life lived in the face of God.

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