Sunday, October 15, 2023

Mercy and Grace through God's Eye

Mercy is God not punishing one as one's sins deserve. Mercy is deliverance from judgment. When one pleads with God for mercy,

one is asking Him to withhold the judgment one deserves and instead grant the forgiveness one in no way has earned. Forgiveness of sins comes from the grace of God welling up from His bowels of mercy.

No man deserves anything from God. If in fact any one deserves anything, it is punishment because, on a daily basis, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9, KJV; Genesis 6:5, KJV). Think about the thoughts that race through the heart of man daily. 

Except for a regenerated heart which comes by the Spirit of God working in and through one, and which comes from having a constant and consistent relationship with Him, the heart of man is totally foiled by the devil. Building a solid and formidable relationship with the Spirit of God is what takes one out of this realm into the God-realm wherein resides the mercy of God.

God does not owe you anything. Anything good that you experience is a result of the grace of God (Ephesians 2:5). 

Grace is simply defined as unmerited favour. God favours, or gives you good things that you do not deserve and could never earn. Rescued from judgment by God's mercy, grace is anything and everything you receive beyond that mercy (Romans 3:24). While preaching once, the State Pastor of Living Faith Church, Jos, Plateau State, Pastor Agi Emmanuel, said that “Race is when you are running alone, but Grace is when God is running with you.” This is absolutely true of grace. Grace gives you that extra energy to press on a little further. When God runs with you, that is mercy at work and grace speaking.

I am saying that we deserve judgment, but God has poured out to us His mercy made available by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary. So if we receive Jesus Christ as Saviour, we receive mercy from God and we are delivered from judgment. Instead of judgment, we receive by grace salvation, forgiveness of sins, abundant life (John 10:10), and an eternity in Heaven, the most wonderful place imaginable (Revelation 21-22).

What are your thoughts on this? Do share with us in the comments section below. God bless!

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