Thursday, May 26, 2022

Handling Sexual Feelings (Part 1)

 Why do you have these Sexual Feelings?

This is simple. It is as I have said before. You have attained a stage in growth called puberty. As your body develops, changes occur, including in your thoughts and feelings. This is as a result of sexual hormones your body is producing. It’s all part of growing up.

Beyond your thoughts and feelings, your daily life, your relationship with others and how you even see yourself will change. Life can become pretty confusing and embarrassing as you try to deal with these changes; but it’s not all bad news: it can also be an exciting and wonderful experience too.

These feelings can want to make you want to be so close to someone who attracts you. Your body will feel excited, or shivery, or warm, or tingly whenever you think about the person. Yep, it can be crazy. I believe you can relate.

But then, understand that all of these are happening because God wired you, programmed you, to be like that. You were designed from Day One with these feelings. However, this is not so that you can begin to explore these feelings as soon as you began to have them. They were put there for your exploration and enjoyment only when you get married. Anything outside this amounts to sin.

When I come your way again next week, I shall be shedding more light on this. Please keep checking in, and share your thoughts with us. God bless.


  1. Once again, I've learned something. Great mind sir. God bless you❤️

  2. Insightful 💫💫💫

  3. This is insightful and helpful

    1. Thank God for that. God bless you

  4. It's a nature thing but God gives the grace to control it

    1. That's true, as long as you let Him. Or what do you think?

  5. Thank God for that!

  6. God bless you Sir for this wonderful teaching..

    1. Amen! Thank you very much!

  7. True word! The Holy Spirit helps us as we yield to His leading. There is no fear as long as your faith is centered on Jesus and the price He paid on the cross!

    1. You just nailed it, CeCe! Thanks for this input.

  8. A timing message for the present generation. More Grace, sir.

  9. More grace, more anointing 🤗

    1. Amen! Thanks for the prayers.


Your Sex Life, Your Choice

  While our society is being torn apart by negative