Saturday, July 2, 2022

Connecting to God

We must understand that no one, married to an unbeliever today, is one hundred percent contented with life. But they will think it is the way of the world, and that no one is one hundred percent contented with life. In the first assumption,

they are absolutely correct; but not in the second.

It is only in Christ that you can have absolute contentment. Paul says in 1st Timothy 6:7 that “godliness with contentment is great gain”.

In the Bible, we are not presented with a God Who is pursuing a goal of distance between Himself and a bunch of dirty sinners. Rather, the Bible presents to us a God Who is relentlessly closing the distance between Himself and the said sinners. He has paid the ultimate price to repair the disconnection we created in the relationship. God’s Number One agenda with you is connection and nothing – not pain, not death, nothing – can prevent Him from coming toward you and responding to you in love.

As children growing up, we had this notion of the need for us as kids to surrender control to the adult figures around us, otherwise they will be angry with us, and/or even punish us. So we were always humble, respectful and submissive even when that adult figure is clearly in the wrong. God however doesn’t treat us this way. The Bible teaches that God is love (1st John 4:8), and that He is always yearning to connect with you. I don’t think there is any reason for you to hold back.

God has done all this. He has restored our relationship with Him through Christ, and has given us this ministry of restoring relationships.

In other words, God was using Christ to restore His relationship with humanity. He did not hold people’s faults against them, and He has given us this message of restored relationships to tell others.

Therefore, we are Christ’s representatives, and through us God is calling you. We beg you on behalf of Christ to become reunited with God (2nd Corinthians 5:18-20, God’s Word Translation).


Think about the last thing you ran away from. Was it a neighbour’s fiery dog? Was it a snake? Was it an opponent on the field? No matter what it was, I want to believe you probably ran away because you knew it had the potential to harm you, or it would not do you good. In other words, you’d run from things you know aren’t good for you.

It is the mind of God that you run from sexual sin and into His waiting arms. He wants you to run to Him and remain with Him. The apostle Paul said in the Book of 1st Corinthians:

Aren’t you aware of the fact that when anyone sleeps with a prostitute he becomes a part of her, and she becomes a part of him? For it has been declared: The two becomes a single body.

But the one who joins himself to the Lord is mingled into one spirit with him.

This is why you must keep running away from sexual immorality. For every other sin a person commits is external to the body, but immorality involves sinning against your own body (1st Corinthians 6:16-18, The Passion Translation, emphasis mine).

Have you ever thought about running from this? Has it ever been an issue of concern for you? Understand that sexual activities or behaviours that are outside of God’s design for sex and plan for your life have the potential to harm you spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically.

However, the point here is that when you run from sexual sin, you can do so knowing you are running into the waiting arms of God Who loves you unconditionally.

So, as it is, the war is still raging till date, a kind of battle of the sexes. And, in the midst of it all, God would always want the best for you. He’d want you to have the God-ordained and God-approved kind of relationship – that would be the Genesis Chapter Two kind of relationship in this case – where you can live life to the fullest, free from guilt and free from sin. Don’t you think you need God totally, to take complete charge of your life? Don’t you think your partner, first and foremost, has to be a believer like you?


  1. Thank you so much sir for this timely word. I pray that God will help the youth not to engage in sexual immorality, and that when the time is right, they'll choose the right partners.

    Orogun Wisdom

    1. You are very correct, Mr Orogun. It has been my earnest desire. God bless you.

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Your Sex Life, Your Choice

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