Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Destructive Nature of Sexual Sin

Sexual sins have the power to disrupt and destroy the life of an individual. If given in to, sexual sin can debar one from moving forward in life. Sins involving sex are not innocent or ignorant dabbling in forbidden pleasures,

as is so often portrayed, but powerful destroyers of marriages and other relationships as God would have them. They bring confusion and tear down the climate or atmosphere of respect, trust, and credibility so essential for solid marriages and secure children. They drive you far from Eden.

Take this from me please, if you love your life: regard feelings of lust as a warning sign of danger ahead. In other words, when you notice that you are attracted to a person of the opposite sex, or preoccupied with impure thoughts of him or her, your desires may lead you to sin. With lust and infatuation, there is no light at the end of the tunnel; only darkness all the way, no matter how well Satan paints, portrays that darkness to you. Remember that Satan is darkness and has no light, no good thing to offer anyone.

Eve looked at the fruit Satan pointed out to her and saw that it “was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, (so) she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat” (Genesis 3:6, King James Version); but then, this singular act cheated them of the bliss of Eden. This is what sin can do to you. Yes, it would cover your face with regret and shame.

Sexual sin is a robber. As I have pointed out before, it robs one of his or her destiny; so also one’s future, pride, joy, hope, and happy home for the married. One who engages in sexual sin soon realises that it is an encounter that ends in bitterness and shattered or uncaught dreams.

Some have argued that it is okay to break God’s standard against sexual sin if nobody gets hurt. The truth, however, is that somebody always does get hurt. How?

v  If married, spouses are devastated.

v  If married, the children are scarred.

v  Whether married or no, the partners themselves could contract deadly diseases.

v  There is also the issue of unwanted pregnancy.

v  The individuals lose their ability to fulfil commitments to another.

v  The individuals lose the ability to feel sexual desire towards another.

v  The individuals lose the ability to trust another.

v  It violates the commitment so essential to a godly relationship.

v  The individuals lose the ability to be entirely open with another.

v  It deeply affects the personalities of the individuals which respond in anguish when they harm themselves physically and spiritually.

More importantly, God is hurt because it shows that the individuals prefer following their own desires instead of the leading of the sweet Spirit of God.
But then, God had a plan from the very beginning. What was that plan? When I come your way next week, by His grace, we shall be looking into this. God bless you!

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Your Sex Life, Your Choice

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