Today, I'd like us to look at the subject of soul-tie, soul-mate, lust love and infatuation. How are these concepts related? Are they?
Soul-Tie versus Soul-Mate:
in pre-marital sex can lead to soul-tie. The best way to understand the concept
of soul-tie is just as the name implies – your soul becomes tied to the other
person, lustfully for sex. You cannot get the person out of your mind, and this
is always usually accompanied with the thought to have sex with the person
again and again.
Given the above, we can surmise that soul-tie is negative. It is like an addiction. THERE IS HARDLY SOUL-TIE WITHOUT SEX. Because God is not in it, it is evil and demonic – demonic in the sense that the devil takes advantage of it to keep you enslaved in the sin. With soul-tie, whenever sex is done, please note that you are not necessarily having intercourse with the person per se, but with the demon in that person. I believe this picture to the left is self-explanatory. You need to know what you are going into. With soul-tie, for a supposed child of God, comes guilt every time sex is done.
also comes with frustration, anguish of heart, remorse and helplessness. Such a
person needs counselling, prayers and deliverance from the bondage. And very
fast too!
Soul-mate on the other hand is the opposite of soul-tie, even though many believe that they are the same thing. But I say emphatically here that they are not. Soul-mate is positive. It is what is felt by married couples who are living in the will of God. It is what God intended in Genesis 2:24 (King James Version):
shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife:
and they shall be one flesh.
comes with a bonding of the hearts and souls of the couple, a knitting together
to become one; hence, ‘cleave’ in the above verse. Because God is in this, the
soul-mates feel no guilt when they engage in sex, because they are supposed to.
With it comes joy and peace. Absolute peace and contentment. A husband and his
wife are ‘united’, ‘one flesh’, ‘no longer two but one’ and ‘joined together’;
therefore soul-mates.
versus Love
sex is not – never – prompted by love, but by lust. Lust, mind you, in the
context of our discussion, is an intense, overwhelming, unrestrained sexual
craving or desire for someone. It is worse, sheer madness, when this craving is
for someone of the same sex, or for an animal, take it or leave it.
is also the bane of adultery and, therefore, many broken homes. It makes one
see what one hopes the other will be; or what one thinks one needs the other to
be, instead of seeing the real person, flaws and all. Therefore, because it is
based exclusively on fantasy and physical attraction, lust misses the real
thing and goes after mere shadows; it misses the substance and goes after
flakes, fog, wisp of smoke.
Love however is a conscious decision made by an individual to commit himself or herself to another person and to work through conflicts and trying times, instead of giving up. Love is intentional, deliberate.
think that if lustful thoughts are sin, why shouldn’t a person go ahead with
the lustful actions too, since the sin has been committed? Let me answer with
another question: why drive the final nail into the coffin instead of trying to
find a way out?
out lustful desires is harmful in several ways:
- It causes people to
excuse sin rather than to stop sinning.
- It destroys hitherto
thriving and blossoming relationships, and then (also) marriages.
- It is a deliberate
rebellion against God’s Word.
- It always hurts the
- It always hurts the
the above, it sure appears that lust, if not quickly nipped in the bud, can
even lead to incest and murder, as it actually happened in the Book of 2nd
Samuel 13. The Book of Job 31:11-12 sums it all up quite nicely for us:
For lust is a shameful sin, a crime that should be punished. It is a devastating fire that destroys to hell. It would wipe out everything I own (New Living Translation).
versus Love
Infatuation, in the context of our discussion, is a short-lived admiration or passion one develops for another of the opposite sex. In other words, when one is completely carried away by unreasoning passion or addictive, uncontrollable love, which affects his decision making, such a person is said to be infatuated. Infatuation could eventually lead to disappointment when learning the truth about the object of one’s love.
is mostly fuelled by lust. It is a double-edged sword that is very rampant
today among young people. These days, it is tagged ‘crush’ when youngsters
communicate with one another; or ‘bestie’ when in the public. However, whether
‘crush’ or ‘bestie’, the users of such terms know exactly what they mean.
the above, we can judge that love is indeed divine and by far better than lust
and infatuation; that love is more honourable, comes without shame and
disgrace, and without regrets. Love does not act touchy or unseemly. It chooses
never to be puffed up with pride; but is rather draped with humility, and
easily ignores wrong done to it.
Furthermore, love is not resentful; neither is it fretful or anxious. Love is directed outward toward others, not inward toward one’s self. Love, indeed, was, and still is, God’s original plan for mankind. Love is God. You can find more about love in passages of Scripture like 1st Corinthians 13 and 1st John 4:7-8.
Wonderful doctrines Sir, may God continue to bless you, Amen 🙏