Sunday, June 4, 2023

What to Do to Secure Your Relationship and Make it Work

Everybody both admires and desires a good relationship, a sweet relationship where the partners are head over heels in love with each other, are there for each other, really can't do without each other. When you see a relationship like that, then you could say that both parties are doing all they can to make it work. However, one major ingredient that has made mine work till forever is what I’d like to share with you today. Coincidentally, today makes it exactly a decade now

when my wife said to me, “Yes, I will marry you!” The picture of us you see here was taken, I believe, on that same day; and it has been a sweet ride all the way, to the glory of God.

So what is this ingredient that can both secure your relationship and make it work?

In the Book of Romans 12:1-2, Paul admonishes us to present our bodies as living sacrifices unto God; and in the Book of 1st Corinthians 6:19-20, he maintains that God owns us. Does this mean anything to you?

In essence, Paul is saying that God owns you. God wants you to offer yourself, not animals, as they did during the Old Testament times, as a living sacrifice. This even goes beyond how much money you have to offer Him.

It requires that you lay aside your own desires to follow Him. It also requires that you put all your energy and resources at His disposal and trust Him to guide you instead. You are to do this out of gratitude that your sins have been forgiven, and that you now have a new life in Christ, Who sacrificed Himself to purchase you out of that life of sin. This is something you should do consciously every day since He always has your best interest at heart, even in your relationship.

Let the Holy Spirit renew, re-educate and redirect your mind so that you can be truly transformed. You must die daily to self, the flesh or to the (evil) leading of your mind, like Paul in 1st Corinthians 15:31 (Spoken English New Testament):

I die every day! And you’re my proof for that claim, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Think about it: it is far better to die for God, to live always the surrendered life than to live enslaved to sexual sin everyday. I believe that nothing would please God as daily surrender from you. Nothing would please Him more than having your sacrificed and yielded will tied by cords to His altar. Such an attitude is the only reasonable one that you can assume.

So if God is all you profess to believe, don’t you think He is worthy of all you are? Remember that the world is ever seeking to make you bend to its will. You’d need the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit, that you may withstand its menacing influence.

This was our stand before my wife and I met each other, during our courtship, and till date. The truth is that when you please God, you will be pleased with the will of God. His will is for you to live that surrendered life to and for Him, while being conscious of the fact that He is coming back again any time soon.

Hmm... His coming back and your relationship... Permit me to pick up the thread from here in my next post. More blessings!!!

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