Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sexual Sin: Dealing with the Loopholes

In my last post, I looked at two major aspects,

or what I called the loopholes to sexual sin, and also tried to proffer some things you need to do to survive this scourge and live your life for God. Well, in today's post, after having a couple of sessions with some persons facing this challenge, I have decided to pursue this a little further and proffer some more suggestions that could be of help.

So, in addition to all I have said above, there is a need for you to make a covenant with your eyes, as Job puts it in Job 31:1; the eyes of your heart inclusive. Job said he has made a covenant with his eyes, and then wondered why he'd then look at a maid. I've said this before: if you happen upon a young lady that is scantily dressed, this can be excused; but if you turn to look at her a second time, as though to have a better view of her revealing torso, then there is a problem somewhere. You would end up getting up getting entrapped in the web of sexual sin. This was what happened to David when he looked at Bathsheba having a bath. His life was never the same again after that. It took the mercies of God to salvage the situation. This is why you need to make a covenant with your eyes and determine to remain pure before God. Yes, you have to specially and intentionally guard against impurity of all kinds.

It is no news that sexual immorality is a destroyer. It can knock you off course and leave you disillusioned. This is why there is a need for you to have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, a relationship that is well defined by Him and accepted gratefully by you. This should not be downplayed or trivialised. 

You ought to be so knitted together with Him in everything. He wants you to be closer to Him, and you are the one who will determine just how close your relationship with Him will be. He needs you to relate with Him about everything about you. That way, He can also guide you through anything that concerns you and any decision you want to take. You will simply be at the receiving end of the blessings attached to this obligation.

When you have such a relationship with the Holy Spirit, amongst every other thing, there is no way you will miss your ideal partner. More of this to come in my next post. God bless!

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Your Sex Life, Your Choice

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