Friday, December 23, 2022

The Ideal Life Partner

Many have always looked for Mr. Right or Miss Right; Mr. Perfect or Miss Perfect. But these do not exist when it comes to looking for the ideal life partner.

Who then is the ideal life partner?

The most beautiful lady in town? The most handsome guy in town? The richest guy in town? The sexiest lady or guy in town?

The thing about being sexy is that you are seen as a sex object. In other words, when one pays you such a compliment, he or she in most cases has sex as his or her topmost priority for you. Sorry, such a person is not your ideal life partner.

Many ladies can be very materialistic. They think money, and they dream money. Note however that he is not the ideal life partner simply because he has a car, or his own house, or his own company, or a fat bank account. He is not the ideal life partner simply because he is tall, broad-chested, and has what they call ‘six packs’ lining his belly – as though he stepped out of a “Mills & Boons” novel, debonair and all, or is from Hollywood.

Many guys can be so carried away by what they see in a woman. She is not the ideal life partner because she has the hottest legs, or because she dresses skimpy ‘to kill’ by exposing her sensitive parts. She is not the ideal life partner simply because she always has her lips properly lubricated so much so that they are almost dripping.

It goes way beyond this.

There are people who would say, “He/She must be God-fearing,” simply because they remember their Christian background, or because they want to impress their pastor or other Christians around them. But the point here is the ideal life partner must of necessity be God-fearing. He/She must have God.

It is not enough to go to church on Sundays or during the midweek service, or attend vigils. It is not even enough to be in a service unit in church, like the choir or ushering unit. Neither is it enough to give and pay your offerings and tithes respectively; or use some churchy dictions such as “Amen”, “Praise the Lord”, “God bless you”, “Hallelujah” and the like. It is not enough. You must have a relationship with God – an intimate one at that – before you can land the ideal life partner.

Isn’t this basically my meaning from my very first post? It is God’s utmost desire that your heart not only comes back to Him, but belongs completely to Him – and that of your partner with you.

Now, understand also that there are people out there who do not know God, but are married. Yes, there are. However, the difference here, and the point I am making, is that one who has an intimate relationship with God experiences a kind of contentment and fulfilment, which the others can never feel. This is why having this intimate relationship with God should be your topmost priority before anything else, like landing the ideal life partner.

Yes, that’s what we’ll be looking at in my next post: landing the ideal life partner.


  1. Honestly knowing God intimately is key and a life without God is simply a mess and waste of divine resources

    1. You are absolutely right. Everything always falls into place with God in the picture. If not immediately, eventually. The same goes for relationships as well.


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