Sunday, February 5, 2023

Handling Your Sexuality: A Legendary, Classical Example

Last week, we began looking at how to handle our sexuality by making a conscious decision to live for God. I'd like us to pick up the thread today from where we let off, looking deeper at this from another perspective.

So let’s come back to the Joseph and Mrs. Portipher’s story. This aspect of Joseph’s story could easily pass for a legend, yes, a classic. To get the full gist, and for emphasis sake, please read the Book of Genesis 39:7-12.

Sadly, many youths in the world today who find themselves in the precarious situation Joseph found himself would see it as an opportunity to ‘live a better life’. I mean, If Madam is interested in me, what then do I have to lose? I am the boss of the house! they would think, and fall for the trap of Satan.

But not Joseph. Joseph was a man that feared God (that is, reverenced or has respect for God). Now, because no man was there except Joseph and his master’s wife, he had all the opportunity to mess up with her; but the fear of God restrained him. Will the fear of God restrain you? Will you ever allow the fear of God restrain you? Will you flee fornication?

Joseph exhibited fidelity in and during his service. The temptation of Joseph by his master’s wife was an assault upon his morality, upon his virtue, which, unless it were overcome, would deprive him of God’s favour and, consequently, put an end to any prospect he might have of deliverance. It was also an attack upon his testimony, upon his safety, which, however it resulted, whether in his defeat or his victory, would likely terminate his enjoyment of his master’s favour, if not altogether cost him his life should his master find out. Why? Because it was her word against his.

But the young man exercised restraint, and the wisdom of God guided him to make the right choice. After rejecting her offer severally and avoiding her one time too many, when she grab hold of his shirt, he took to his heels. In this way, he preserved his glorious destiny and remained in favour with God. Very important.

If it comes to it, you must flee for your life, for the sake of your partner, and, more importantly, for the sake of your God. 1st Corinthians 6:18 (King James Version) uses the expression “flee fornication”. So it is definitely that important if you want to remain chaste for your God and for your partner.

Consider the following Scriptures from the New Living Translation:

God wants you to be holy, so you should keep clear of all sexual sin (1st Thessalonians 4:3).


Keep away from every kind of evil (1st Thessalonians 5:22). 

Paul speaks of Satan masquerading himself sometimes as an angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:14); and Jesus speaks of wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15). Of these you must be wary and run for your life.


  1. Amazing piece. God bless you sir

    1. Thank you very much for your comment. I pray this message and other messages here continue to be a blessing to every young person that comes into contact with them. 🙏


Your Sex Life, Your Choice

  While our society is being torn apart by negative