Saturday, April 8, 2023

Surrounding Yourself with His Presence

In this holy week of Easter, I don’t think this is coming your way by accident. More than ever before, you'd need to surround yourself with the Presence of God. One of the ways to do this is to

locate a good church if you haven’t, and to attend services regularly where you would be groomed in the things of the Spirit. In today’s post, I’d be showing you why this is so important that it must not be treated with levity or trivially. Yes, let your friends or former friends call you a church-boy or a church-girl as the case may be, but you know what you are looking for, so go for it.

The writer of the Book of Hebrews in chapter 10 and in verse 25 admonishes us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves, as some are in the habit of doing. It is quite lamentable to see that while God's children are on their way to church, some find it very comfortable to just sit back at home or be on the football field!

To neglect Christian meetings is to give up the encouragement and help of other Christians. Yes, it would surprise you that God still has a remnant who are devoted and sold out to Him. You will meet them. 

It is equally important to join a unit in the church and serve there with all your heart. It makes you both responsible and accountable. So it is in such gatherings that you get to meet others to share faith with, and strengthen one another in the Lord.

Although work and other such commitments could sometimes take you away from church, while you work towards adjusting your timetable to be able to keep fellowshipping with the brethren, you MUST ensure that you are steadily in the Presence of God. Surround yourself with music, the Word, messages and other such materials that would edify you. After all, it is there in God’s Presence that you will have all your needs met. Remember, your spiritual life receives a boost, and is built up in and during corporate worship services. 

While there are several reasons why some stay away from attending church services, one major reason why some people do not even see the need to go to church is because they have the wrong mentality, orientation and, therefore, mindset about what is done with the offering and tithes. They believe the pastor uses these collections to enrich himself at the detriment of the worshippers. If you truly love God, if you are truly born again, you would not concern yourself with this at all. You would understand that whatever you give, you have given unto God, trusting Him to visit you as He has promised in His Word:

Give, and it’ll be given to you. They’ll give you a good measure, pressed down and shaken down and overflowing, right into your lap. Because the measure you measure out is going to be measured back to you. (Luke 6:38, Spoken English New Testament)

This is why Paul says:

I will say this, though. “The person that plants sparingly will harvest sparingly too. And the person that plants generously will also harvest generously”.

Each person should give just as they’ve decided beforehand in their heart – not out of guilt or compulsion. Because “God loves a person that gives joyfully”.

And God is able to make all kinds of grace overflow for you, so that in every way, at every moment, you’ll have everything you need. And you’ll overflow into doing all kinds of good things.

Just like scripture says,.

They distribute good things, 

They give to the poor.

The good they do lasts forever.

And God, who supplies seed to the person who plants, and bread for food, is going to supply and multiply your supply of seed. And God is going to cause an abundant harvest to come from the good thing you’ve done.

You’ll be wealthy in every way, and so you’ll be totally wholehearted. And that will result in our giving thanks to God (2nd Corinthians 9:6-11, Spoken English New Testament).

Isn’t this reason enough to give in the house of God? So take advantage of this. 

So I’ll encourage you to take every given opportunity to be in His Presence; and there is one sure way to give this a boost if you must grow in His Presence. We shall be looking into this in my next post. Have a blessed Easter service tomorrow!

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