Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Destructive Nature of Sexual Sin

Sexual sins have the power to disrupt and destroy the life of an individual. If given in to, sexual sin can debar one from moving forward in life. Sins involving sex are not innocent or ignorant dabbling in forbidden pleasures,

Monday, July 18, 2022

Soul-Tie, Soul-Mate, Lust, Love and Infatuation

Today, I'd like us to look at the subject of soul-tie, soul-mate, lust love and infatuation. How are these concepts related? Are they?

Friday, July 8, 2022

Facts About Sex



any in the world have been wrapped up with so many crazy ideas and idiosyncrasies

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Connecting to God

We must understand that no one, married to an unbeliever today, is one hundred percent contented with life. But they will think it is the way of the world, and that no one is one hundred percent contented with life. In the first assumption,

Your Sex Life, Your Choice

  While our society is being torn apart by negative